Thursday, 11 December 2014

I Am a Rap God

I've always had a knack for memorising poems, plays, and particularly, rap songs. I don't really like rap nor listen to it, it's just something I can do for some reason. My fiancé, Mr Owl and I, saw Eminem's Rap God on TV, one of the hardest rap songs ever, and he said, "Now I bet you can't learn that song." I reckoned it would be a challenge, but I could do it.

It took me 5 or 6 days to memorise, but I did! Just to be like 'hah' at him, really. I asked on Tumblr if anyone would like to see me do it, the response was enthusiastic, so here you go world. See me rap.

YouTube banned this video in some countries, which isn't really fair, so I've added it here, and everyone should be able to see it now. Also, sorry for the very offensive language! I didn't write the song, just saying the words!

To show others you can share this on Facebook or compose a Tweet!

 Goth Girl Raps Eminem's Rap God | Black Friday from Black Friday on Vimeo.


  1. Congratulations!
    You do it very well, an concurrent for eminem lol

  2. I probably would have had an asthma attack part way through. LOL Brilliant job!

  3. Would like to hear you rap again? You sounded really good like a rap star! ----€
    Sincerely your follower Kirk van Allen sr

  4. -------€ I'm black rose for you. ;)

  5. -------€ I'm black rose for you. ;)

  6. I really don't know how you do it but do dam good 😉

  7. I love your YouTube video I love you so much

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  10. I keep listening to this and have been for the past 2 hours XD You did great~ :)

  11. I let the original play in the background while you were rapping and maybe it's just me but sometimes I thought you were even faster than Eminem :D

  12. Nice you did a good job xD Thumb's up for you.

  13. You're so awesome. This is just great

  14. Just saw this

    now as I decided to check out a couple of your older videos. that's quite a talent you have! Heehee! Well done!

  15. OHHHHH MYYY You can do this

  16. daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang, giiiirl! get ittttt haha this was great! :)

  17. Damn it's gone :( I wanted to see. I don't understand why it's removed from you tube also. A cover is a cover.

  18. It's also gone for me :\ It says the video does not exist sadly...
